In order to facilitate adequate review of the proposed changes, a summary of the proposed changes and a clean copy of the full tentative agreement is provided below. Please direct your questions and comments to a member of the E-Board. An in-depth review of changes and a question and answer session will be held at the meetings on Sunday and Monday. **NOTE: These documents are still subject to necessary administrative "housekeeping" changes, cross reference changes, editorial corrections, and appropriate date changes.
A tentative agreement was reached today in regards to a new CBA. Meetings to discuss proposed changes have been set up, as well as dates for a ratification vote (see below).
Presentation Meetings:
Ratification Vote Polls Open:
Those interested in assisting on the Voting Committee, please contact Andy or Matt. For those that may not have heard, Vice President Jim Natale was offered and accepted a position with the International as a Regional Director. Alpha team member Matt Zimmerman has been offered and accepted the vacant VP position. Matt and Jim will begin transitioning immediately as Jim begins his new position on December 1st.
"I would like to thank everyone for the opportunity to serve as your Vice President for the last 5+ years. It was an honor to learn many new things along the way and be able to assist with numerous grievances, issues and negotiations to better our Local. I look forward to new challenges and experiences with the International and hope to continue assisting Local #18 with whatever I can." - Jim Natale There are several other open positions to be filled including an At-Large and Crew Stewards. Those that are interested, should contact President Andy Clark. The next general membership meeting is scheduled for September 2nd and 4th at 1830 hours. Both meetings will be held at the RiverHouse Grill (formerly Portabella's).
A vote will be taken on By-Law changes that were presented at the June 2014 meeting. Appetizers will be provided and five (5) raffles will be picked at each meeting. It was being reported that several of you were having issues when logging into the site or not being able to log in at all. I have gone through the code and run several tests. The only issues I found were when using an older version of Internet Explorer. It is suggested for best results to use the most current version of your browser and use a modern browser such as Safari, Firefox, Chrome or Opera. Download links for each of these browsers can be found on the log in page now.
Should you find any further issues, please let me know at [email protected] Monday, March 31, 2014 at 0600 hours, the new OT Policy will go into place. Please review and become familiar with the changes. Below is a copy to review or print for your records. Hard copies will also be placed in the break rooms for review.
The next general membership meeting is scheduled for June 3rd and 5th at 1830 hours. Both meetings will be held at the RiverHouse Grill (formerly Portabella's).
Appetizers will be provided and five (5) raffles will be picked at each meeting. The next general membership meeting is scheduled for March 4th and 6th at 1830 hours. Both meetings will be held at the RiverHouse Grill (formerly Portabella's).
Appetizers will be provided and five (5) raffles will be picked at each meeting. The current overtime policy is being revised and updated. Please review the proposed changes and make any comments / suggestions to your Union representative by Friday, January 10th. Baring any major changes / revisions, this revised policy will be implemented sometime after that date. In case any of you don't know what to be watching out for currently, here are a few rare photo's of the subjects. They are highly aggressive and should not be messed with.
What do you think for a new logo or slogan for the Local? |
March 2020
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